Individual Loan Program


قال تعالى:

 « إِنْ تْقرِضُوا اللَّهَ قَرْضًا حَسَنًا يُضَاعِفْهُ لَكُمْ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ شَكُورٌ حَلِيمٌ»

سورة التغابن: 17

1- Based on the above verses, some of our centers offer the Individual Lending Program (Al-Qard Al-Hassan), as the number of beneficiaries

2- These good loans is as follows:



2019: The number of women benefiting from the program (5 women), the number of loans granted 7 loans.

Year 2020: The number of women benefiting from the program (18), the number of loans granted (22) loans.

Year 2021: The number of women benefiting from the program (10), the number of loans granted (22) loans.




Good loan "Qard AL Hasan"

A humanitarian mission provided by the Women's Programs Center: - (Individual Lending Program)

1- To achieve and uphold the values of social solidarity among members of the same society in a way that deepens the meaning and content of positive cooperation and effective participation among these individuals.

2- A good loan means providing a specific amount of money to an individual, where the recipient of the good loan guarantees to pay it without bearing any additional burdens, or demanding interest or returns on investing this amount or any increase of any kind, but it is sufficient to recover the principal amount only.



The general objectives of the good loan "Qard AL Hasan"

  • Improving the living opportunities of the targeted refugees through the services of the Individual Loan Program
  • Contribute to the promotion of small projects.
  • Enhancing the educational level of young people (males and females) who are enrolled in school.