Irbid Center

Women's Program Center

Irbid Camp


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The Women's Programs Center was established in Irbid camp in 1952 when the UNRWA in Jordan provided training services to Palestinian refugee women on the camp's land.



The message

The center aims to strengthen and empower women, enhance their self-confidence, and communicate their self-reliance and participation in order to improve their position in their local community in order to make decisions in economic and social life through courses, training and capacity building.


Programs offered by the center

In the beginning, the center was limited to training in the art of sewing, detailing, embroidery and crochet. The duration of the course was nine months for girls who did not have the opportunity to learn to enable them to overcome economic, psychological and cultural crises and to be able to manage their families and improve their financial situation.

In the eighties, a new training program was developed, which is beauty and hairdressing, in order to provide services to the largest possible number of women. This center was run by an employee from the UNRWA

And by a decision of UNRWA, in the eighties, knitting was introduced for a period of six months, computers and printing in order to improve the income of women through work .

The 1990s 94-95 And by a decision of the UNRWA, the women of the local community were involved in the management of the women’s program centers. Women’s committees were formed from the local community, and they are chosen from among the women who applied for voluntary work in the management of the center and the development of activities. These women were trained on several financial and human skills so that they would be able The management of the center and their management is a free service without financial return.

In 2000, UNRWA employees were withdrawn from the centers and the management of the center was handed over to the selected local group of refugee women from Irbid camp.

The local committees started managing the center and searching for ways to supplement the center with innovative and cultural training programs, raising awareness among women residing on the camp land, and empowering them economically. Several new training programs have been introduced, including:

1. Soap production

2. Perfume composition

3. Rattan

4. cleaning skin

5. Painting on pottery and glass

6. Fitness

7. Accessories Industry

8. Remedial Course

9. Curtains Sewing

10. Painting on bedspreads

There are also spacious halls equipped to hold various activities and programs

Also, a counseling and psychological support program was opened, which cares a lot about children and adolescents, and educational courses and lectures were held on all legal, health, psychological and social levels.

And introduce a program for young adults that cares about young people and their problems, raises their intellectual level, trains them in self-creation through lectures, and trains them on basic life skills, communication skills, and implementation of initiatives.

Coordination has been made with UNICEF for special programs for children through workshops and training them on life skills and the program of children's rights and protection from abuse

Despite the difficulties faced by the local committee in the center due to the lack of financial resources after UNRWA gave up providing any material support to the center, UNRWA became an umbrella for the center providing logistical and technical services.

One of the most important roles provided by the local committees to the centers was that they worked on formulating an internal system that arranges the roles and controls the work within the centers and networking with civil society institutions and bodies.

The target groups are various groups of society, especially women from the age of 6 years and over

Networking and joint work


Training of trainers on children’s rights, basic life skills, and communication skills. This program targeted more than (1,000) children.

2-The Ward Vision

It targeted young people between the ages of 18-24 ICDL computer courses were held

    A. ICDL

    B. Rattan and accessories

 In addition to psychological support workshops, project management, and teaching children to read and write from 5-13 years old, as the programs targeted (400) four hundred children.

3-The Council of Churches targeted fifty young men and women between the ages of 15-25 to teach them the ISDL course and pass the international certification exam.


A hairdressing course was implemented for 45 students from the poorest cases, in coordination with vocational training, so that they pass the profession practice exam, in addition to courses in the field of computer, hairdressing, medical records, pastries, carpentry, and hotel for males and females, as it targeted more than 300 young men and women.

Job opportunities were also provided for many trainees, in coordination with various agencies

5- Raito Play

20 trainers were trained to teach children through play

6- Volition

Training 50 women to work jams and pickles

7- Irbid Camp Services Committee

Training 40 women to make soap and perfume creams

8 - Bosr Institute and Legal Justice Center

Workshops to raise awareness of various legal issues of personal status

9- CARE Organization

As part of the 16-day campaign of violence against women, awareness workshops were held on their legal and social rights.

10- UNDP

A project targeting 160 Syrian young men and women in the experience exchange project

11- JICA

75 Syrian women and men were trained in project management, food preparation and aquaculture, where the participants had the opportunity to create a home project.

12- Islamic Relief Organization

It targeted 20 Syrian girls and women in a fashion design and tailoring course

In addition to holding a summer club for children targeting the age group (6-14) years

Challenges facing the Centre

 Lack of financial resources that enable it to increase and improve the service provided and expand it

Aspirations and vision of the future center

During the coming period, the center should be equipped to provide training services with all modern training means to serve women in the camp and the areas surrounding the brain, and work on developing projects that generate income and work on the continuity and day of the center so that we encourage women to train and operate and compete with other institutions through the service Characteristics and means of implementation

Lending program

It was established in 2009, as it began to provide its services to women in Irbid camp in order to empower them economically and to be self-reliant through loans that help them start establishing a project that they manage after training them in skills that enable them to do so

The ceiling of the granted loans ranges from 300-700 dinars, to be paid over 12 months, with a grace period of one month, from the date of receiving the loan.

The loan is a good loan. The lady pays fifty dinars when purchasing the loan form. The local committee in the center with the center management assists women in managing the project, providing advice to them and building their capabilities through empowerment courses offered to women in the center to manage small projects and how to face difficulties and challenges. And walk forward