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Marka Center


Women's Program Center Hittin Camp






Our Message

Serving all women in Hittin camp and its surrounding areas without discrimination and adopting the human rights approach and the Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women “CEDAW” in all programs directed to women …
Providing a safe environment and spaces for women to reach independence and the ability to make their own decisions and empower them economically, socially, culturally and psychologically…


The local committee of the Women's Program Center is composed of women from the local community who manage the activities of the center and the kindergarten. The committee also network and cooperate with several organizations that carry out various activities and projects to serve the local community and empower women, youth and adolescents, such as UNICEF, Plan International, Right to Play, Save the Children and others.
We also network with public university students and implement a range of community initiatives in cooperation with them in addition to its basic programs run by the local committee
It serves different segments of the local community, such as:


- Early Childhood Programme

It receives children from the age of 4-5 years with the aim of preparing them psychologically and academically and providing them with the necessary skills to enter school through Zahrat Al-Madaen Kindergarten. It provides its services through qualified teachers and qualified management. The kindergarten adopts Montessori curricula and learning through play.
The kindergarten receives a group of children of social cases registered in the relief department of the UNRWA, free of charge or with a nominal fee, according to the evaluation of the case.
In addition, a summer club for students is educational and recreational.


-Individual loan program

This program serves all families in Hittin camp and its surrounding areas. The program offers small loans to people with limited income to establish small income-generating productive projects, to cover educational expenses, or to conduct urgent operations, in a simple and easy way, and in easy installments.

-Women's Programme

This program aims to serve and empower women in several areas of economic empowerment, legal empowerment, and empowerment of personal capabilities, by providing them with life skills and professional skills through the following sections:

  • Sewing department

  • Teaching sewing and detailing arts

  • Cosmetology and hairdressing education

  • Skin care education

  • Teaching manicure and pedicure

  • Production kitchen section

  • Teaching the skills and arts of cooking Eastern and Western dishes and appetizers: The kitchen relies on women from the local community in order to improve their financial conditions by preparing and selling dishes

  • Department of Home Agriculture: Where the local committee and the management of the center established an agreement with the Dorrat Al-Manal Foundation and funded by the Plan International organization, where women from the local community were trained in farming methods and mechanisms, and 20 home farming projects were funded in the homes of selected families, as well as a community garden in Al-Rawdah Square, benefiting 5 families From the mothers of kindergarten children. Currently, preparations are underway for the second phase of the project, which is to provide families with greenhouses, prepare houses for 20 new families, train them, target 4 families from previous projects, re-maintain old ponds, prepare houses for them, as well as maintain the community garden and prepare greenhouses for the garden.

This project has added a new concept of economic empowerment through agriculture and self-sufficiency for some crops and marketing the surplus of these crops.


- Adolescents and Youth Program

This program targets young people from 12-17 years of age, training them and refining their skills through targeted programs and workshops with the aim of strengthening their leadership skills and managing community initiatives.
The youth program targets young people between the ages of 18-35 years with the aim of investing youth energies in community service and helping them enter the labor market.
The last activity of this program was to train young people aged 18-24 on cooking skills and the arts of food preparation, and to provide them with job opportunities in bakeries and restaurants, and job opportunities in the productive kitchen at the Women's Program Center - Hittin camp.

