Bukra Ahlaa

Bukra Ahlaa Kindergarten - Al Wehdat


The construction journey started with a single step...

At the beginning of the nineties, the Women's Program Center in Al-Wehdat Camp took the first step in an attempt to overcome the difficulties faced by Palestinian refugee mothers, to help them learn handicrafts that would help them improve the economic standard of living for their families on the one hand, and on the other hand, they could build and increase knowledge and cultural awareness in all fields, which contributes to Creating horizons through which women rise to overcome the marginalized roles of their being, as they are not a housekeeping worker, but rather a partner in building a family and developing a society: therefore, a class was opened through the center that allows women to accompany their children of pre-school age  . While benefiting from the educational and cultural services of the center, she finds a special space to build social relationships with her peers from the local community. During this time, she is reassured that her children are with her in the same place, so her children learn the first basic principles of reading and writing, and she overcomes the lack of someone to take care of her children if she leaves them at home alone..

From another perspective, this initiative has achieved job opportunities for the girls of the neighborhood by taking care of the young, whether through care or education .

The initiative developed and met with unparalleled success, so a kindergarten was opened in the camp, and numbers became encouraging for women to send their children to kindergarten and prepare them for schools. The number of women benefiting from work in the kindergarten has become greater, and the initiative has become a program for which study plans are prepared according to the education curricula approved by the International Relief Agency. Two kindergartens were opened in buildings belonging to the Agency that are no longer in use, such as the house of the camp director, and the feeding building that was opened in 1952 to feed the refugees, which contributed to In investing the available resources and adapting them for better services for the sons and daughters of the camp.


Providing the keys to knowledge for children, preparing them for the society in which they grow up, and providing them with the basic educational and linguistic principles that help them to successfully move to the next educational stages, especially aspects related to discovery, creativity, interpretation, imagination, focus skills, self-reliance, respect for order and spirit of initiative, and providing equal educational opportunities for all children to achieve a better future for them.

  •  It is based on several basic areas that children need in their educational journey at this stage, the first of which is the linguistic preparation of children because the main goal of education in kindergarten is to acquire a rich spoken language that is organized and understood by others and because the spoken language represents the axis and focal point in education at this stage so that it gives the child the opportunity to express Linguistic understanding and focusing attention on the messages addressed to him to understand and respond to them through interaction with the teacher and classmates using activities and linguistic assignments prepared for this purpose, taking into account the growth of the linguistic vocabulary accompanied by a gradual understanding of the linguistic structure of the child, and all this is done through the linguistic application prepared in a way that contributes to Developing the skills of real and rich use of the language.
  •   In the field of discovering the world of reading and writing  Education at this stage aims to deepen little by little the child's acquisition of linguistic expression skills and the development of linguistic wealth through listening to texts provided by the teacher so that children discover the world of reading and writing, especially activities related to the sound of letters and the alphabet and B system and its writing mechanisms،

  • Establishing relationships that highlight the child as an individual within the group, cooperating and interacting with those around him, realizing what he has and what he owes within this society according to the rules of the school system.
  • It also focuses on developing physical expression skills so that the child discovers the organs of his body and employs them in his expression to help him deal with the environment around him. The child gradually gets to know his family, school and then community environment and interacts with it, realizing his important position within the society in which he lives, and through movement activities and play. Organized, purposeful and safe at the same time, the child finds an outlet for his kinetic energy, benefiting from language learning opportunities, and acquiring the skills of participation and organized interaction.
  • Helping the child to discover the world around him, so that he is trained to ask questions and how to answer them, and to listen to, organize and respect the points of view of others, in order to lead him to acquire the skills of thinking, interpretation and analysis.
  • He learns the skills of arithmetic counting, arrangement, classification and description through the carefully prepared linguistic use, pictures, drawings, shapes, tools and games that help develop these skills. His expressive abilities also give him focus skills, self-reliance and self-confidence.
  • For children to feel safe and confident and achieve a sense of achievement through learning, which should be an enjoyable experience for them.
    - Thinking about what they learn and talking about it, developing and developing self-control and control, and achieving independence..

work echo :

Based on the experience of the Women's Programs Center in sensing the needs of the local community and meeting them with the available capabilities, which constitutes an opportunity for construction and development by overcoming potential obstacles and mobilizing community support through impact  And the results achieved in the field, many women opened their own projects in their homes to take care of the children of working mothers, then rented buildings and licensed them, and became businesswomen who contributed to improving their standard of living in addition to participating in public life and providing social support and support services .

Bee way...

The cell has become a working voice and organized work through the women and girls of the local community  It draws horizons for all segments of the local community and its spectra, and the kindergarten’s continuous mission is to invest in the future generation, as working with children with love, education, participation and play aims to develop the concept of study among children and thus prevent them from dropping out of schools in the future .

We are working with passion to create a generation interested in education because it is the path of dignity